Congratulations to CAC’s Non-Traditional High School Graduates

In addition to providing academic tutoring for high school students in traditional brick and mortar schools, CAC also provides full service high school completion services for our non-traditional students. These students may have left high school for personal reasons or health reasons and rely on our consultants to help them along the pathway to graduation from high school (often through distance learning programs, collaboration with public high schools and private high schools, etc.). Congratulations to the following CAC students who have worked very hard and earned their high school diplomas! *Please note- student’s initials are used in place of their names in an effort to protect their privacy.
J.R 2016-2017
R.R 2016-2017
S.B 2016-2017
S.R. 2016-2017
W.A. 2015-2016
L.S. 2015-2016
G.R 2015-2016
B.L. 2015-2016
J.W. 2015-2016
H.G. 2014-2015
C.S. 2014-2015
C.Sc. 2014-2015
T.V. 2014-2015
Z.B 2013-2014
R.L 2013-2014
**Many more to come!

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